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School-Choice Hypocrisy in Texas Deserves Failing Marks

Neither rain, nor snow, nor legislator hypocrisy can keep Governor Greg Abbott off the school-choice trail. This week, as in weeks past, the governor has crisscrossed the Lone Star State extolling the virtues of education freedom. And on Wednesday, in a hearing on a prospective universal education-savings-account law, expert witnesses and parents testified in favor of the proposal into the wee hours of the night.

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It wasn’t easy, and at times frustrating. But, as I progressed I learned to love the challenges that came with a liberal arts education. My small class of twenty students was tasked with deciphering Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. At first, I struggled to grasp the concepts presented. But as we argued and discussed the meanings, I found myself enjoying the process of understanding.

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